The layout is now sold.
This was my first micro beginning in 2009 and taking a year to make. I spent a few weeks doodling trackplans starting with the ubiquitous Inglenook. I soon realised that the running potential using the design would soon turn out to be boring. The fixed loco release at the end means that the top and bottom roads on the traverser can be used for storage and the loco can get to the back of them. It also means that once the stock is on the layout I don't have to handle any of it. Despite its simplicity the movements required to move stock around can be very complex and enjoyable.
Track plan
The loco is Bristol from the Chronicle of Boulton's Siding with a card chassis and a styrene body. The building on the left hides the fiddle yard traverser and loco run round.
The corner cafe, trainspotters fence and Mr Betjeman.
Shunting through the factory door.
The loco is an Armstrong Whitworth diesel from the 1930's as used on the North Sunderland Railway.
Mr Betjeman
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Old Ephraim nearly falls over backwards as he sees Mr Betjeman coming out of the back door, knowing full well what's going to happen. "Ahhhhh!" says Mr Betjeman, "I'm glad your here I was just going to the caff for an egg and tomato dip sandwich" (Mr Betjeman's dad had sent him to his factory to learn a proper trade, making fountain pens and paid him accordingly)
"Now your here Ephraim I shall recite my new poem, 'Bathing Belles at Bilston Baths'..."
Video of the layout
Cheers - Jim